20120629 In Japan Governor of Aichi Prefecture(大村秀章愛知県知事) is destroying the ecosystem of important ‘ Yato ’area. —– Why doesn’t Hideaki Oomura, Governor of Aichi correct misgovernment of Aichi Prefecture?
June 29, 2012 Takashi Kondo
On May 10 2012, the Ministry of the Environment in Japan clarified that nine places (Tokai Hilly Land Spring-fed Mires of Toyota City in Aichi Prefecture et al. )were registered in the registration wetlands of “Ramsar Convention” to keep important wetlands in good condition internationally as waterfowl’s habitat.
It is with possibility registered formally in the 11th Conference of the Parties (COP11) of Ramsar Convention held in Romaniain this July.
The domestic registration wetlands becomes 46 places (1379.68 square km) in total including Kushiro-shitsugen (Hokkaido), Biwa-ko (Shiga Prefecture), Yatsu-higata (Chiba), Oku-Nikko-shitsugen (Tochigi Prefecture) when registered formally.
This candidate sites are nine places [ (Oonuma (Hokkaido), Watarase-yusuichi (Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, and Saitama prefecture), Tateyama Midagahara and Dainichidaira(Toyama Prefecture), Nakaikemi-shicchi (Fukui Prefecture), Tokai Hilly Land Spring-fed Mires (Aichi Prefecture), Lower Maruyama River and the surrounding rice paddies (Hyogo Prefecture), Miyajima (Hiroshima Prefecture), Arao-higata (Kumamoto Prefecture), Yonaha-wan (Okinawa Prefecture) ] .
It’s said that there are the registration wetlands of 2,006 places of approximately 160 countries (1,930,000 square kilometers ) in the world as of May, 2012.
The Tokai Hilly Land Spring-fed Mires (22.5 hectares) in Toyota City (Aichi Prefecture) chosen this time means Yanami-shicchi, Kamitaka-shicchi and Onshinji-shicchi (note -1).
These wetlands are 1.22 hectares and a little, but the surrounding slopes that bring up those will be included as “water catchment area” of course, and it’s said that 22.5 hectares are a target area. If registered, the land use which changes completely and damages an ecosystem greatly is not possible virtually saying that it is against the principle of the treaty.
When this designation is received,Toyota City is showing the posture to enter a preservation system in contact with each conservation of nature group, borrowing 2 other wetlands from the owners with Yanami-shicchi of own property prepared so far (note -2).
” Tokai Hilly Land Spring-fed Mires ” in which this Toyota City receives registration have many common features with the wetland environment of ‘Yato’area in Nagakute that Hideaki Oomura, Governor of Aichi Prefecture destroyed this spring, saying that I will build a huge school building of music department at Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music that will become about 140 meters.
It is reported that the following same rare living things as in ‘Yato’area (construction site of music department building) in Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music live in this ” Tokai Hilly Land Spring-fed Mires “.
HATCHOUTONBO ( Nannophya pygmaea. Vulnerable, VU in the Red Data Book),
HANEBIROEZOTONBO ( Somatochlora clavata. Vulnerable, VU in the Red Data Book ),
SHIRATAMAHOSHIKUSA ( Eriocaulon nudicuspe. Vulnerable, VU in the Red Data Book.Tokai hill element plant ),
TOUKAIKOMOUSENGOKE ( Calamus silkworm sundew. “Outside” in the Red Data Book.Tokai hill element plant ),
HARURINDOU ( Gentiana thunbergii ),
SAGISOU ( Habenaria Radiata. Vulnerable, VU in the Red Data Book ),
HOTOKEDOJOU ( Lefua echigonia. Endangered, EN in the Red Data Book ),
USHIMOTSUGO (Pseudorasbora pumila. Critically Endangered, CR in the Red Data Book ) ,
HIMETAIKOUCHI ( Nepa hoffmanni. Near Threatened, NT. The remaining kind of the glacial period. Nishio City in Aichi Prefecture specified it for the natural monument).
These all living things live in the construction site of music department building and each place right in front of it in Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music, and have been watched importantly by the people in this region and the members of this university for a long time.
In addition to these, around the construction site of music department building in Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music, we can find many KAWAMOZUKU(kava Nemacystus decipiens. Critically Endangered, CR in the Red Data Book),KAWAMUTU A ( kava Japanese bluefish type A. rare species), SUJISHIMADOJOU (the fresh water fish. small size class Tokai type. Endangered, EN in the Red Data Book), aquatic organism (KAWANINA, NAMIUZUMUSI, SUJIEBI, NUMAEBI etc), benthonic organism (TOBIKERA, KAWAGERA, KAGEROU etc), MAMENASHI (Critically Endangered, CR in the Red Data Book. Tokai hill element plant), other rare Insecta such as GIFUCHOU (Luehdorfia japonica. Vulnerable, VU in the Red Data Book), birds,trees and so on.
This site has been taken good care for a long time and attracts attention in the meaning that is different from ” Tokai Hilly Land Spring-fed Mires “of Toyota City from the various quarters.
The extension act of the campus that Hideaki Oomura, Governor of Aichi Prefecture has executed this time deprives of the fortune of the natural gift that has been importantly maintained as the local source of Horikosi River in this region, and it is the unnecessary act and the useless investment act that destroys even the environment where a valuable ecosystem lives.
It is clear that he doesn’t find out he has lots of other cheap methods of settlements.
He uses various taxes wastefully with the chain of a doubted useless investment act from which the ability is doubtful very much.
He leaves a lot of submitted questions as non-responding. The contents Hideaki Oomura, Governor of Aichi Prefecture pledged in the election have exposed its own falseness.
In May last year, as well as at “Kaisho-no-mori” problem in 1998 for EXPO 2005 AICHI, Aichi Prefecture and Aichi Public University Corporation were confronted the wise environmental field survey results by citizens of Aichi prefecture which indicate that the large stock (more than 300 individuals) of SUZUKAKANAOI (Heterotropa kooyana var. brachypodion, rare species) that GIFUCHOU (Luehdorfia japonica. Vulnerable, VU in the Red Data Book) deposit an egg inhabits the construction site of music department building in Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music.
They started the investigation enterprise corresponding to them in a hurry, and put the system in order.
After having decided the start of the construction of this new music department building this time, they held “master plan making committee meetings” again to decide the master plan of the campus that had not been yet decided. And at last they have begun to think about the environment plan of the campus including this construction site that had not been considered for 7 years until now though they began the construction of the new music department building.
They pulled up a small amount of precious SUZUKAKANAOI in the construction site and transplanted it near there. And they seem to begin to consider whether they make a biotope to leave the environment of the construction site in the future as the substitution of the environmental destruction caused by this construction.
These are only the repeated self-protection plans of the present managers who deprive of the property of Aichi Prefecture that cannot understand the implication at all.
Nine places of proposed sites will be registered formally in the 11th Conference of the Parties (COP11) of Ramsar Convention held in Romania in July 2012.
Aichi Prefecture supported 10th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP10) in 2010. However, after that, Hideaki Oomura, Governor of Aichi Prefecture(大村秀章愛知県知事)said that there was a new music department building of Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music here by all means, and destroyed the precious springwater environment of the construction site under construction now which shows the same character as ” Tokai Hilly Land Spring-fed Mires “of Toyota City specified as the registration wetlands of “Ramsar Convention” this time.
In the prefectural assembly Hideaki Oomura, Governor of Aichi left it the non-investigation and no explanation about the environment of the construction site where endangered species inhabited, and he has done voting of the start of construction.
As for the reckless action that Aichi destroyed local important wetland environment this time, it is with business to repeat falsehood of Aichi that wants to be hardly known in the 11th next meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP11) in India in this October.
Aichi Prefecture supported COP10 meeting of 2010. And members of COP10 that had participated at that time were guided on Yanami-shicchi by the official excursion.
However, if they get to know the fact that Hideaki Oomura, new Governor of Aichi is exactly destroying now the precious wetland environment of the building construction site of this Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music that is equal to Yanami-shicchi, how do they take it ? (note -3)
To be continued
note -1 : 「 ラムサール条約湿地の登録|豊田市ホームページ 」
note -2 : 「豊田市自然観察の森、矢並湿地について
(http://www.toyota-kansatsu.com/sitemap.html) 」
note -3 : 「 湿地巡り:東海丘陵湧水湿地群(矢並湿地等/愛知県) 」
20120629 In Japan Governor of Aichi Prefecture(大村秀章愛知県知事) is destroying the ecosystem of important ‘Yato’area. —– Why doesn’t Hideaki Oomura, Governor of Aichi correct misgovernment of Aichi Prefecture? | 緑豊かな愛知芸大のキャンパスを活かしていこう会
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