20111009 Docomomo International 

Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music
Aichi, Junzo Yoshimura, 1974
DATE: 16/9/2011
September 16 2011New Campaign to protect Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts.Sign up here!

Six months have passed since the disasters of earthquake, tsunami and the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant took place. People, especially those who suffered most, have been fighting courageously to live and get back to their normal lives. On the surface, the life in Tokyo seems to be going normal but it is not the same as before March 11.Today, I send this e-mail to tell you about THE PETITION SITE ON THE WEB where we collect petition signatures.

My father and colleagues designed a whole campus for an art and music school ( Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music) in 1966.

The school administration and the Aichi prefecture are planning to demolish most of the campus buildings  and build new ones. They claim that the long neglected buildings are not worth preserving and renovation. Some buildings have  been already torn down.Beginning October they plan to start constructing a gigantic new building on a site where very rare and endangered plants and small animals live. This is a very serious concern for the naturalists as well.

We need your support to send the voice of protest to the authorities concerned.

Please send your petition signature from the site below (one in English and the other in Italian) and also spread these addresses to your friends and colleagues.

English petition
Italian petition

The aftermath of the 11 March disaster has made  this grievous matter overshadowed in Japan. We need your support.

Taka Yoshimura

June 6 2011

International´s Chair, Ana Tostoes, and DOCOMOMO Japan´s Chair, Hiroyuki Suzuki, have sent a letter to the authorities regarding the preservation and utilization of the Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music:

has learned with alarming concern that the Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music is presently considering a campus redevelopment plan that may include some major alterations to and/or demolitions of its campus and its facilities designed by Junzo Yoshimura. In this occasion we would like to remind all concerned parties that in January 2010 DOCOMOMO Japan, along with the Chair of Architectural Institute of Japan, pleasantly informed the university that DOCOMOMO Japan had registered collectively the Campus and its Facilities of Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music as part of the DOCOMOMO Japan 150 selections (No. 122) in recognition of its exceptional architectural quality. At the same time DOCOMOMO Japan voiced its concerns for its seemingly precarious future stakes and petitioned for the institutions´ careful consideration.

Here, we would like to reiterate the great architectural and cultural heritage of your university’s campus and facilities collectively and once again to deliver this petition for its preservation.

In selecting DOCOMOMO Japan cited among others the following merits and distinctions about the Campus and its Facilities of Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music:

1.      The overall campus set in a gently rolling topography with abundant greenery is contextually designed and environment friendly.

2.      The campus built complex is comprised of series academic buildings such as class rooms, lecture halls, research laboratories, student halls, dormitories and facilities, visiting scholar dormitories, libraries, concert halls and museums as well as administrative buildings and service facilities, etc. These buildings are collectively organized based on the notion of urban design to give simulated urban quality in the central zone of the campus while various and pervasive existence of open spaces throughout campus in courtyard, quadrangle and other forms tender areas to pause and relax that are in some way reminiscent of Japanese traditional “Ma” space.3.      Majority of campus buildings are made with reinforced concrete and collectively attest to the creative and plastic use of concrete as an expressive medium for architectural ideas. Recognizing that it has been more than 45 years since the initial inauguration of its campus, we are fully aware of the fact that the university buildings and facilities would require various timely adjustments reflecting both the educational and social changes. Nevertheless; we, DOCOMOMO INTERNATIONAL AND DOCOMOMO JAPAN firmly believe that those needed adjustments can be made without a categorical and irrevocable damage to the existing merit-worthy campus and buildings.Through the continuous use the buildings mature and attain historical and cultural value. Accordingly, the Campus and its Facilities of Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music, too, have become to scintillate as the university’s collective assets that express the manifold ideals and aspirations of those who built the university. We would like to emphasize that the Campus and its Facilities of Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music collectively represent as an exceptional and significant architectural, cultural and historic masterpiece and; therefore our treasure.

INTERNATIONAL wants to consider the preservation and utilization of the university’s campus and buildings.

カテゴリー: 未分類   パーマリンク


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